Do you need something powerful to sweeten your life? Then the autoflowering seeds Auto Strawberry Gum by Advanced Seeds are a safe bet for cannabis lovers with sweet tastes. This strain is renowned for its unique flavour and balanced effects, making it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced growers, as it is not difficult to grow and novices get a great harvest, and the quality is so high that it has nothing to envy to normal flowering strains, something that is highly valued by experienced growers and consumers.
What are the genetics of these seeds?
Auto Strawberry Gum is the fruit of the merger between Strawberry Gum and automatic flowering genetics which hardly changes the genes of the original strain, but serves to incorporate the genes responsible for autoflowering. This combination has resulted in a sativa-dominant strainIt inherits the best qualities of its ancestors. From Strawberry, it gets its fruity and sweet taste, while Auto Bubble Gum brings exceptional robustness and ease of cultivation. This genetic mix results in a vigorous plant, with an exceptional organoleptic profile and a cerebral and relaxing effect at the same time.
What does Auto Strawberry Gum look like?
Auto Strawberry Gum is one of those hypnotic plants that you can't take your eyes off. It stands out for its great vigour and branchingThe leaves show medium sized leaflets, slightly thicker than the normal version. Its leaves show medium sized leaflets, somewhat thicker than those of the normal version and its buds are spectacular, long, thick and full of resin. At the end of flowering, these buds can acquire reddish tonesThis gives them a visually attractive and appetising appearance. In addition, the distance between nodes is optimal for homogeneous growth and good ventilation, which is crucial for plant health, high yields, and also as a defence against pathogen attack.
How are these seeds grown indoors and outdoors?
Auto Strawberry Gum is so hardy and easy to grow, that with minimal care it will return a bumper crop. The keys are the quantity and quality of light and substrateThe size and yield of the plants are directly proportional to these factors.
Indoor cultivation:
A light cycle of 18/6 o 20/4 to maximise their growth and production as I said before, but they don't perform badly either if grown normally, that is, with 18 hours of light per day during the vegetative stage, and 12/12 during flowering.
Outdoor cultivation:
Auto Strawberry Gum reaches its full potential in warm, sunny climates, but also adapts to less ideal conditions, as long as temperatures do not drop below 10 or 12 degrees Celsius of course. It is resistant to climatic variations and pests, making it a safe and productive choice for all types of users and environments.
When is Auto Strawberry Gum harvested?
Indoors, Auto Strawberry Gum is ready for harvesting after 65-70 days from germination. Outdoors it takes about the same time, maybe a little longer, and the best time to grow it is between mid-spring and early autumn, both in the northern and southern hemispheres.
How Much Do These Seeds Produce?
Although this may depend on many factors, it can be said that Auto Strawberry Gum is a high yielding strain in every way. In indoor growing, growers can expect about 500 g/m².. Outdoors, each plant can achieve impressive yields, especially in optimal light and nutrient conditions, and can even exceed 150 grams.
What is the Aroma and Flavour of Auto Strawberry Gum like?
From our point of view, this is the most representative and remarkable feature of these seeds. The aroma and flavour of Auto Strawberry Gum are exceptional, offering an exceptional sweet and fruity, reminiscent of strawberry chewing gumThe fruity notes are intensified when smoked or vaped, providing a rich and pleasurable taste experience. When smoked or vaporised, these fruity notes intensify, providing a rich and pleasurable taste experience.
What Kind of Effect Does This Marijuana Have?
With a THC content of around 18%, Auto Strawberry Gum offers a balanced and pleasant effect. It is ideal for relaxing on those days when you have just had enough of everything, providing a calming and pleasant effect both physically and mentally, although it must be said that at first it is stimulating. Its slightly higher sativa genetics make it suitable for different times of the day, offering both relaxation and a light creative stimulusand is perfect for unwinding in the evenings.
Buy Auto Strawberry Gum at the Best Price Online
If you were looking for an autoflowering strain with one of those unforgettable flavours and easy to grow, you're in luck, because Auto Strawberry Gum autoflowering seeds by Advanced Seeds are your best choice. Order your seeds today and start enjoying one of the tastiest and most productive strains on the market.
Frequently asked questions about Strawberry Banana
Is Auto Strawberry Gum suitable for beginners?
Yes, its ease of cultivation and resistance make it ideal for beginners and experienced growers alike.
How to maximise resin production in Auto Strawberry Gum?
Maintaining a controlled environment with adequate humidity and temperature and providing balanced nutrition are key to maximising resin production.
What is the best way to dry and cure Auto Strawberry Gum buds?
Slow drying and proper curing in a controlled environment enhance its aromatic and flavour profile. A curing period of at least two months is recommended.
How to maximise resin production in Auto Strawberry Gum?
Growing indoors with full spectrum LED is one of the best ways. Maintaining a controlled environment with proper humidity and temperature and providing balanced nutrition with extra carbohydrates or sugars are key to maximising resin production as well.
How does the pH of the water affect your crop?
Maintaining a proper pH is crucial for optimal nutrient uptake. A pH between 6.0 and 6.5 is ideal for Auto Strawberry Gum.
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